NEW DEADLINE: the deadline to submit your abstract has been extended to November 29th, 2023
The SENP association invites you to submit an abstract to be considered for the SENP+ Scientific Program. Accepted abstracts will be presented in either thematic Poster sessions or Oral communications sessions.
Poster flash sessions: some posters will be selected by the Scientific Committee for a 10-minute oral presentation in the auditorium!
A / Abstract Information
Every abstract submission has to be made online at
Please note that submissions outside of the online system will NOT be accepted
- The Selection Committee reserves the right to refuse abstracts that are not aligned with submission criteria / theme criteria.
- Please note that the Committee may change the choice of your presentation type according to the program format.
- We kindly remind you that the presenting author must be registered to the congress, if not, selected presentations will be removed from the program.
- NEW Deadline to submit your abstract :Novembre 29th, 2023 at 23:59 pm GMT.